TimeSimplicity SSO Reconnect Utility

This webpage enables easy reconnection of TimeWorksPlus and TimeSimplicity accounts if they have been disconnected. When this issue occurs, the user will get errors when trying to use the TimeSimplicity Single Sign-On feature in TimeWorksPlus. This is typically caused by deleting a Supervisor or Client account and subsequently setting up a new one with the same username. This is because deletion of the TimeWorksPlus account does not delete the TimeSimplicity account, so the existing TimeSimplicity account is not properly connected to the new TimeWorksPlus account, causing the SSO errors.

Note: This utility currently only works on Client and Supervisor accounts. Functionality for reconnecting employee accounts coming soon!

  1. To connect to the TimeWorksPlus and TimeSimplicity account, begin by entering your Accountant-level API credentials. A few notes about this:
    • The Accountant Level API Secret is found in the Accountant Menu ≫ Accountant Level Secret Management page inside TimeWorksPlus. Only Accountant-level logins and higher can see/access this page.
    • If the API Secret does not exist, you can generate one using the "Generate" button on that page.
    • The Site ID can also be found on the aforementioned page or at the top of the page when logged into TimeWorksPlus.
  2. Select which Supervisor/Client user in TimeWorksPlus is having troubles signing into TimeSimplicity.
  3. Select which TimeSimplicity account to reconnect the user to.
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