TimeWorksPlus Bulk Employee Utility

This webpage allows updating employee information en masse using a CSV upload. Note that some fields currently cannot be updated through this utility, but most can. Additional fields (such as Home, Location, Department, etc.) coming soon!

Warning: There is no undo option, so make sure you confirm your employee changes before you click the submit button!

  1. Enter your Accountant or Client API Information and select whether you want to update inactive employees or not.
  2. Download the current list of employee information as a CSV file.
  3. Open the file and make edits where necessary. A couple notes about this:
    • Do NOT rename the column headers! You can remove columns you don't want to update, but do not rename the ones you leave in the file.
    • You can remove any rows of employees you do not need to update.
  4. Save the file with edits made and upload the file.
  5. Review changes being made to employees, then click the submit button.
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