TimeWorksPlus Employee Punch Copier

This webpage will allow copying of punches between two TimeWorksPlus sites to the specified employees.

Warning: There is no undo option, so make sure you confirm your changes before you click the copy button!

  1. Enter either the Client or Accountant API Secret and ID for the site you wish to copy from.
  2. Enter either the Client or Accountant API Secret and ID for the site you wish to copy to.
  3. Choose the date range of punches you wish to copy. Note that punches will be copied to those exact days that they currently exist on.
  4. Wait for the application to populate the list of employees on the existing site, then choose in the drop-down which employee on the new site you want to copy those punches to.
    • If you don't wish to copy punches for a specific employee, choose the option "Do Not Copy"
  5. Click the Submit button to start the copy process. Note that this may take a moment, you can watch the progress as it copies. Once complete, the punches will be in the new site.
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